Monday, January 8, 2007

Status update

Installed xilinx ISE 6.3 and found out my o/s (win2003) does not support it. Fortunately I could integrate Altium with ise and control the digilent s3 board I have. (Took me 2 days)

Altium is great for FPGA designing except for one major inconvenience - no graphical support for state machines. So I had to learn to code an fsm in vhdl. Pretty touchy - but once u get the hang of it its good cos u knw exactly what is happening to your signals.

Oh yes, i did interface my s3 board to altium! altium has some cool features like live JTAG scanning, so now i can monitor my FPGA pin states while the board is online. Altium has a soft core logic analyzer too (works through the JTAG chain). Means no longer i need to simulate my design using modelsim.

Except for these - PCB is still a mess. No comm with fabricator - no info on pcb specs.

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